For Berlin-based American writer-producer Anna Winger, creating the Netflix miniseries Unorthodox offered a unique opportunity to tell a Jewish story in Germany. The show, which premiered March 26 on Netflix, follows a young woman who leaves her husband and her ultra-Orthodox Satmar community in Williamsburg, NY, for a new life in Berlin. This past Sunday morning, Ms. Winger joined the Jewish Federation of Northwest Indiana (live from Berlin via Zoom) for an exclusive conversation moderated by Carol Culberg. Over 70 participants tuned in for this exciting program! The recording is now available to watch on Federation's YouTube channel: Ms. Winger was raised by anthropologists in Massachusetts and in Mexico, and educated at Columbia University. She co-created and co-wrote the four-episode Netflix series along with documentarian Alexa Karolinski, and also served as executive producer. She is also the founder of Studio Airlift, a production company based in Berlin. She lives in Berlin with her family. Carol Culberg is a board member and past president of the Jewish Federation of Northwest Indiana. She chairs Federation's Education committee. In 2019, Carol launched Federation's popular evening book club, which meets every 6 weeks; the most recent discussion selection (also via Zoom) was Deborah Feldman's 2012 memoir Unorthodox, which inspired the Netflix series.
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July 2021