Supporting Federation is supporting your community.
With one gift, you make a difference.
What you donate to our Jewish Federation of Northwest Indiana makes a difference in ways you cannot imagine. Your donations are crucial to our ability to do the work we do for others every day. Looking to make a donation in someone's honor or memory?
Please visit our Tribute Cards page! |
If you, or someone you know...
Every year, through our Annual Campaign, countless lives are saved, cared for, reached out to, and rebuilt. A centuries-old Jewish tradition and values are celebrated and preserved for future generations. With one gift, you can make a world of difference in many of the causes that are important to you--all at once. That's the beauty of community-based giving. Wherever the need is the greatest, we can address it because of donations from people like you.
DonationsYour contributions support the Jewish Federation's work to provide innovative programs that care for those among us in need and build Jewish community.