In the course of her talk, Ms. Rada highlighted a few specific influential Israeli women as role models.
The complete program is now available for viewing on Federation's Virtual Programming page or on our YouTube channel. Many thanks to Ms. Rada and to the Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest for bringing this program to our community. Check out the Consulate's Facebook page, Israel in Chicago, for more upcoming events.
Join us on the Federation lawn for a socially distanced summer movie night outdoors. Community Outdoor Movie Night Thursday, July 9, 2020 (rain date July 16) 8:00–9:45pm Free admission! Generously sponsored by Richard & Barbara Waxman Public health guidelines will be observed. We'll supply the individually wrapped snacks! Bring your own masks (or we'll provide extras) and blanket or lawn chairs.
Rain date: Thursday, July 16.
RSVP Now: Experience the sights, sounds, and tastes of 6 cities around Israel! Join the whole community at Federation for our annual...
$5 per person • $20 max per family
RSVP to (219) 301-0960 or online: |
July 2021